Video interview is nowadays a common form of assessment in the recruitment process. Upon receiving CVs from job applicants, employers shortlist suitable candidates and invite them to conduct first-round interviews via online video interviewing platform or software like Skype. Job applicants use computers equipped with webcams, tablets or mobile phones…...

How to negotiate for your salary during job interview
Talking about how much you’re worth and how much you expect to be paid for the particular position is a challenging process in job interview. Your skills to negotiate your salary can improve with time and experience, but you can get a head start by reading these essential negotiating skills…...

What to Say When You Arrive at the Interview
What's the best way to introduce yourself at a job interview? How can you start off an interview making the best possible impression? First, impressions can play a major role in how an employer perceives you as a candidate. What you say during the first phase of the interview may…...

What is Your Body Language Saying?
When attending an interview , you usually pay much attention to what you are going to say. But do you know words that are not spoken also play a part in the interview process? The way you greet, the way you walk, the way you sit - represents words that…...

How to Win the Heart of the Employer in Job Interviews
No job seeker looks for failure in job interviews. The question is how to win? Especially in the current poor economy, competition is keen among job seekers. Good preparation in every aspect is required if one wants to stand out from other candidates. In early April 2009, JobsDB organized the…...

Before, After and During Interview
BEFORE INTERVIEW - Be prepared Documents Get ready the relevant documents and organize them neatly and systematically to convey a business feel when presenting them to the interviewer. Company information In almost every interview, you will be asked about what you know about the Company. Gather adequate information on the…...