Training Visa
A training visa is a subcategory of the work visa, designed for those who are in Hong Kong to receive training in skills or knowledge not available in the applicant’s domiciled country.

Eligibility Information
  • Availability of a signed contract between Applicant and a Sponsoring Company of solid background.
  • Guarantee from Sponsoring Company in repatriation of the Applicant to his/her place of residence upon completion of the training must be provided.
  • Training duration and content should be justifiable.
  • No criminal record or security risk concern.

Our SUPER Service
  • Application assessment & consultation;
  • Preparing customized document checklist to cater for specific application needs;
  • Drafting necessary letters / correspondence for supporting the application;
  • Arranging for application submission;
  • Responding to Immigration enquiries and follow up correspondence;
  • Application progress monitoring and status updating;
  • Arranging for visa delivery and pick up service.

Processing Time
  • 4-6 weeks

Length of Stay
  • Normally maximum 12 months will be granted depending on the contract duration.

Related Service & Information
» Finding a job
» Posting a job
» Searching an Apartment
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